DC’s Here to Bring a Smile!

KriKri’s Comic Corner
4 min readOct 23, 2020

Alright folks, this was a spur of the moment post. The idea happened in five minutes, I’m currently slapping it together, and I’m not editing once it’s done!

Politics is stressful and this article was thrown together to give out some happy, positive recommendations for a few great stories from the DC Comic universe.


This one issue special is lighthearted, fun, yet still holds a heartfelt message at the end.

Howard Chaykin takes us through a tale with two space traveling favorites: Hal Jordan of the Green Lantern Corps, and Space Ghost Thaddeus Bach. This team up doesn’t start off too smoothly though. These two end up on an alien planet populated with people who have never seen outsiders or done their own interstellar travel. So you can’t blame the locals when they’re a bit weary of two massive characters with wild powers crashing down on their planet. Follow these space traveling heroes as they lead the way for change on a new planet, and laugh as they swap gear for a few pages.

Also, Ariel Olivetti delivers on gorgeous art page after beautiful page!


Alright folks, you’ve heard me recommend this one before, so let’s do that again speed round style. In this tale, Bendis writes one of my favorite Batmans: he works well with others, he likes his job, and he has a sense of humor.

Artist Nick Derington delivers with dynamic layouts that flow like a move. Seriously, some of my favorite splash pages of all time come from these books.

This series is a little bit longer at six issues, but well worth the read. It’s imaginative and fun, and keeps with that classic detective feel. You’ll know just as much as Batman as you figure out the mystery along with him. Travel through time with Batman as he teams up with Hal Jordan on Dinosaur Island, Hawkman, Nightwing, and more! Batman Universe will also give you a break from the Joker, something I think the franchise could use as a whole… Events kick off with a Riddler chase through Gotham, but there are more rogue’s to see than Edward Nygma!


All four covers for Superman/Shazam: First Thunder

Alright, ya got me here too, I’ve recommended this title elsewhere. Superman/Shazam: First Thunder starts in separate cities, but our heroes come together when they realize they’re both needed. Shazam! is a huge fan of Superman (who isn’t) and Superman seems happy to have an enthusiastic crime fighting pal. These two balance each other out pretty well, and Shazam’s magic immunity ends up being a huge help for Superman. Moving through the book, we see Shazam’s struggles as Billy Batson, and watch as he stumbles his way a bit through his heroics. Thankfully, Billy’s got Superman, who has always been an excellent role model (like, throughout all of comic history). But I can’t really reveal much more without spoiling the good parts!


The Super Sons have had some shining moments, and the Adventures of the Super Sons 12 issue series was excellent!

Tomasi gives us a wacky story where Damian and Jon team up after being kidnapped by a mini Rogue’s Gallery all their own. These crazy criminals may be tiny in stature but they’ve got lofty goals. Kidnapped and off planet, can Damian and Jon come together to find their way home… And save the world? Their summer vacation is jam packed with action and adventure, and these two are sure to bring a smile to your face!

Honorable mentions that I just didn’t have time for:

  • The entire Shazam! run from 2019 to 2020. 15 excellent issues. Feels a bit rushed at times, but the art is fantastic, the story is fun, and issue 15 really packs a punch!
  • Super Sons, the entire run from 2017–2018. Comes before the Adventures of the Super Sons series, so you’ll get to watch these two navigate a rocky friendship.
  • Superman Secret Origin. This 6 issue mini from 2009 packs quite the punch. Clark Kent’s life is a little rocky. He feels his name is a joke and he’s not too fond of his namesake. Still, he finds a way to make it work. Clark Kent has incredible perseverance, but… what’s that? Are those some fantastical powers looming over the horizon? Geoff Johns keeps it real and we have the chance to see a super man figure out how to balance his life and move forward.

Thank You Folks!

Hope you enjoyed this quick little blub, and I hope you get some great reads out of this! Thank you for reading, and see you soon!

